terça-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2013


A veces no quiero nada,
o mejor dicho, nada quiero,
o si prefieren diré, para ser mas claro,
que a veces quiero Nada,
o que Nada es lo que más quiero

Y vean que no es servil conformismo
ni discreta austeridad;
es solamente que a veces me basta apenas 
un poco de Nada, sin adornos ni añadidos, 
y digo que nada más que Nada 
es en verdad lo que quiero. 

Entonces el silencio amigo habla
y mi alma callada le responde,
imaginando el deleite supremo,
el vacío voraz, el banquete de Nada,
en que mi Nada engulle 
esas palabras que, ya muertas,
se quedan en la garganta,
o aquellas que al cruzar tu dintel
se deshilachan en un humito azul, 
como de luna de papel,
y vuelven a ser, otra vez, 
                    y por fin, 

Sándalo Naranja

sábado, 7 de dezembro de 2013

WW ( without words)

Me, the humble researcher, again. I am diving today into the realm of wordless activities. Please pay attention.

Wordless activities, part I. 

1.- Kissing, most notably. Kissing is wordless by necessity, but it is interesting to think that we use for kissing the same physycal means we use for talking: lips, tongue, teeth, air. Like words, kisses may have punctuation and articulation. You can use words between kisses, but technically, one needs to shut up to kiss properly. Other kissing modes may allow for words, at least in the person who receives the kisses. For example, I can see myself kissing your hands with devotion, while listening to you with pleasure (oh well, just an example of many). 

2.- Walking. My preference: holding hands. Hands holding provides a communion of feeling, expressed wordlessly. From palm-rubbing in freedom to passionate intertwined fingers, there is a world of intention in hand holding. No need further explanation. I think.

3.- Meditation, à deux. Many possibilities here, from mere contemplation of nature to more advanced forms of vacuum creation. Words and thoughts are kept at bay. We feel energized and cleansed. Then words may return, with vibrant brand-new meanings.

4.- Hugging/embracing. I don't remember in ALL my life having wanted so much ANYTHING as I do want embracing you. Gosh. Heavens. Oh, where was I? Ah, yes. Embracing. Bodies touch, arms surround the Other, we give alternatively affection, protection, we express all sorts of wordless things just by adding pressure or releasing it. By holding it or letting go. Hands are given a wordless voice to explore, to recognize, to invite. Some embraces can get so passionate that legs work actively in it, as well. Some authors, more rigorous, consider that, etimologically, "embrace" relates to "brace", bras, brazos, braços, arms, and propose other terms when leg activity is involved (see Parra, 2013: 41), when he proposes for the spanish language "abrazo" and "apierno", respectively).

5.- Love making. We could debate until midnight if love making should be considered per se a wordless practice. Nobody doubts that words can be exciting and inciting, offering a dIrect way for lovers express their feelings and manifest their preferences. But let us say as well that silence CAN be a wonderful background for love making, allowing the lovers to express through countless ways the ineffable nature of their love. As everything in life, the wisdom will come with the balanced combination of both.

There are many more WW (without words) activities, namely caressing.
I don' t want to tire you. 
I want (to invite) you.